ngParty / ng-metadata

Angular 2 decorators and utils for Angular 1.x

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Support for ES6/2015?

aelbore opened this issue · comments


Does this support for ES6 code?

I'm sorry what do you mean by support for ES6 code? It's an Angular 2 back port to ng1 powered by Typescript and Es2015.

Maybe next time read the docs before raising an issue?



apologise for confusion, what i mean is i use js/es6 code, then when i use bundle for jspm i encounter error. im not sure if its for the decorators.

Probably you haven't configured typescript to emit decorators.
Check the compiler options for emitDecoratorMetadata and experimentalDecorators.
And than you also need reflect-metadata. Everything is described in detail in the introduction to ng-metadata in sections Dependencies and Configure your project

The "why" section of the readme references why TypeScript is needed. There could be other reasons.

[ng-forward] doesn't provides angular 2 like DI via constructor parameters because babel just won't support parameter decorators

@aelbore any updates on this?

I've actually been using ng-metadata just fine with ES6/Babel, you just need Babel configured to use babel-preset-angular2. It adds support for class and parameter decorators, which is really all that's necessary.


hey to all, we can close this. thanks to all suggestion. i created a starter repo for ng-metadata for es6/es2015 maybe or anyone can review my work :)

@rockmacaca cool stuff mister! maybe you can share how it looks like with rest of community? We can add it to docs also(recipes)

@Hotell Unfortunately no, not with the stuff I'm working on : /
(we're actually trying to transition over to TypeScript currently!)

It shouldn't be too difficult to try porting some of the playground when I have the time. It would probably end up being a Webpack 2 setup, since that's what I'm working with right now. I'll link it in slack if I ever get around to it.

For anyone looking for a babel 6, webpack 2 setup