ng-packagr / ng-packagr

Compile and package Angular libraries in Angular Package Format (APF)

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Disabling angular cli cache , does not report non existing property error on template.html

LearnGrowAndShare opened this issue · comments

Type of Issue

[ x] Bug Report
[ ] Feature Request


Disabling angular cli "cache", does not checks for template "non-existing" property error.

  • With angular cache enabled using below change in angular.json

  "cli": {
    "cache": {
      "enabled": true


  • With angular cache disablef using below change in angular.json

  "cli": {
    "cache": {
      "enabled": false


How To Reproduce

Create a new angular application with just a single library. Dsiable angular cli caching by updating, angular.json or using ng cache disable or ng cache off

Added a sample project here ,

Just download and disabling cache .
Do an npm run build, it will not fail the build

Expected Behaviour

The build / packaging should fail.

Version Information

I:\ng-new\library\node_modules\.bin>ng-packagr --version
ng-packagr:            16.2.3
@angular/compiler:     16.2.10
rollup:                3.29.4
typescript:            5.1.6

Any update. .?

Thanks. . :)

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