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PickList: check mark does not appear when value set in code

alamote opened this issue · comments

When I set default value of PickList, it does not show check mark as if I would manually select a value. Is there a way to solve this problem?


<ngl-picklist nglFormControl
    <span class="slds-truncate">{{getPickLabel()}}</span>
    <ng-template nglPicklistItem let-item>{{item.label}}</ng-template>


selected = {label: 'Tier 1', value: 1};
data = [
    {label: 'All tiers', value: null},
    {label: 'Tier 1', value: 1},
    {label: 'Tier 2', value: 2},
    {label: 'Tier 3', value: 3}


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