nforest / droidimg

Android/Linux vmlinux loader

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Not working ida 32bit

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I can't do it when I select Ida 32bit or I launch it from 32bit icon and than script option isn't there but for 64bit it's there.
Is it a bug?


It is designed to work with both 32 and 64bit IDA Pro. What's the specific problem? Was the loader not showing up or failed to parse the kernel?

Yep man not showing up

Any update?


Earlier version of IDA may encounter problem of missing builtin packages (for forward compatibility). Try IDA 7 or later, or fallback to commit b171bca. If still not showing up, I believe it's IDA support you need to talk to, or it's time to give Ghidra a try.

I'm using Ida 7.0