nexxai / CryptoBlocker

A script to deploy File Server Resource Manager and associated scripts to block infected users

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Need help with database

fadret867 opened this issue · comments

Hello. You have a great base, but I also need the name of each ransomware for each file extension. Is it possible to collect such a database for us for an additional fee?

i need like here!Documents/ransomwareencryptedfileextensionlist.htm

i need Raw List with names raw

Would this list help you out?

The list at the site ( hasn't been updated since 23-11-2022 also see #104

Thank you very much, but in addition to the extension, I also need the names of each ransomware. like
How to get it?

Ah. I see! You also want where or in which ransomeware it came from. Sadly I have no full list of that. Maybe something I can look at where I could automate a task to go through every item, search it and when it finds something to export this to a spreadsheet or CSV.

If possible that would be great. I will pay for it.

its possible?

really need full database with ram names

I created a script, which is currently running in my repo as workflow. When that site finds 0 it will place N/A by ransome name and link when it finds something it will display name and link with extension. This might take some time atm it's at line 103. I'll post the link to the CSV file once it's done.


Thanks you!!!!!

any update?((

I created a script, which is currently running in my repo as workflow. When that site finds 0 it will place N/A by ransome name and link when it finds something it will display name and link with extension. This might take some time atm it's at line 103. I'll post the link to the CSV file once it's done.


please help with this :)


Sorry for the late reply. I haven't looked that much in to it. I was getting errors after 600 extensions. Looks like I was being blocked, as it makes ton of requests. I will see If I can work around it but not guarantees.

Please try. I'm even willing to pay for it. Thank you!