nextjournal / clerk

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clerk/show! the user ns?

hoclun-rigsep opened this issue · comments

If I just fire up a repl and run

(require '[nextjournal.clerk :as clerk])
(clerk/show! (find-ns 'user))

it doesn't work:

nextjournal.clerk/show! could not find a resource on the classpath for: user

I have a feeling this is expected but was curious if there is a workaround or so.

It works for me here. If I had to guess I'd say the user namespace file can't be found on the classpath. What does the following return for you?

(some (fn [ext] ( (str "user" ext))) [".clj" ".cljc"])
;; => #object[ 0x480f9816 "file:/Users/mk/dev/clerk/dev/user.clj"]

Thanks @mk. That expression returns nil for me. I started the repl with clj -A:lib/clerk and the alias is defined in $HOME/clojure/deps.edn thus:

  {:extra-deps {io.github.nextjournal/clerk {:mvn/version "0.13.842"}}}

This isn't actually stopping me doing anything important I was just curious if it could be used ad-hoc without saving a file somewhere.

If that returns nil it means Clerk can't find the namespace on the classpath.

You can use clerk without a file by passing a StringReader or a URL like so:

(nextjournal.clerk/show! ( ";; # Notebook from String 👋\n(+ 41 1)"))

(nextjournal.clerk/show! "")

Hope this helps, I'll go ahead and close the issue.