nextcloud / polls

🗳️ Polls app for Nextcloud

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DoesNotExistsException Spamming in LogNC-

Dennis1993 opened this issue · comments

⚠️ This issue respects the following points: ⚠️

  • This is a bug, not a question or a configuration/webserver/proxy issue.
  • This issue is not already reported on Github (I've searched it).
  • I agree to follow Nextcloud's Code of Conduct.

What went wrong, what did you observe?

After updating the app to 7.0.2 my log is spammed by this error:


What did you expect, how polls should behave instead?

no errors

What steps does it need to replay this bug?

  1. install the latest version

Installation method

Installed/updated from the appstore (Apps section of your site)

Installation type

Updated from a minor version within same major version (i.e. 4.0.0 to 4.1.1)

Affected polls version


Which browser did you use, when experiencing the bug?

  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Chromium/Chromium based (i.e. Edge)
  • Safari
  • Other/Don't know

Other browser

No response

Add your browser log here

No response

Additional client environment information

No response

NC version

Nextcloud 28

Other Nextcloud version


PHP engine version

PHP 8.2

Other PHP version

No response

Database engine


Database Engine version or other Database

No response

Which user-backends are you using?

  • Default user-backend (database)
  • LDAP/ Active Directory
  • SSO - SAML
  • Other/Don't know

Add your nextcloud server log here

No response

Additional environment informations

No response

Configuration report

No response

List of activated Apps

No response

Nextcloud Signing status

No response

Additional Information

No response

Please post the details of the error entry, so I can analyse the stack.

That’s all what is in the log (see screenshot above). Or what you mean?

Click on the three dot menu and copy the raw entry.


Ah ok, thanks:

	"reqId": "uCas55wneF1UpLc8XInl",
	"level": 3,
	"time": "2024-04-05T05:39:43+00:00",
	"remoteAddr": "",
	"user": "3EB1C544-0DS6-4614-B3FF-6F1E7C7947D0",
	"app": "index",
	"method": "GET",
	"url": "/index.php/apps/polls/poll/198/votes?time=1712295583897",
	"message": "Did expect one result but found none when executing: query \"SELECT `polls_polls`.*, coalesce(MAX(options.timestamp), :dcValue1) AS max_date, coalesce(MIN(options.timestamp), :dcValue2) AS min_date, COUNT(`user_vote`.`vote_answer`) AS `current_user_votes`, coalesce(shares.type, :dcValue4) AS user_role, `shares`.`locked` AS `is_current_user_locked` FROM `*PREFIX*polls_polls` `polls_polls` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*polls_options` `options` ON `polls_polls`.`id` = `options`.`poll_id` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*polls_votes` `user_vote` ON (`user_vote`.`poll_id` = `polls_polls`.`id`) AND (`user_vote`.`user_id` = :dcValue3) LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*polls_share` `shares` ON (`polls_polls`.`id` = `shares`.`poll_id`) AND (`shares`.`user_id` = :dcValue5) AND (`shares`.`deleted` = :dcValue6) WHERE `polls_polls`.`id` = :dcValue7 GROUP BY `polls_polls`.`id`, `shares`.`type`, `shares`.`locked`\"; ",
	"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/",
	"version": "",
	"exception": {
		"Exception": "OCP\\AppFramework\\Db\\DoesNotExistException",
		"Message": "Did expect one result but found none when executing: query \"SELECT `polls_polls`.*, coalesce(MAX(options.timestamp), :dcValue1) AS max_date, coalesce(MIN(options.timestamp), :dcValue2) AS min_date, COUNT(`user_vote`.`vote_answer`) AS `current_user_votes`, coalesce(shares.type, :dcValue4) AS user_role, `shares`.`locked` AS `is_current_user_locked` FROM `*PREFIX*polls_polls` `polls_polls` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*polls_options` `options` ON `polls_polls`.`id` = `options`.`poll_id` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*polls_votes` `user_vote` ON (`user_vote`.`poll_id` = `polls_polls`.`id`) AND (`user_vote`.`user_id` = :dcValue3) LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*polls_share` `shares` ON (`polls_polls`.`id` = `shares`.`poll_id`) AND (`shares`.`user_id` = :dcValue5) AND (`shares`.`deleted` = :dcValue6) WHERE `polls_polls`.`id` = :dcValue7 GROUP BY `polls_polls`.`id`, `shares`.`type`, `shares`.`locked`\"; ",
		"Code": 0,
		"Trace": [
				"file": "/var/www/html/lib/public/AppFramework/Db/QBMapper.php",
				"line": 361,
				"function": "findOneQuery",
				"class": "OCP\\AppFramework\\Db\\QBMapper",
				"type": "->"
				"file": "/var/www/html/apps/polls/lib/Db/PollMapper.php",
				"line": 58,
				"function": "findEntity",
				"class": "OCP\\AppFramework\\Db\\QBMapper",
				"type": "->"
				"file": "/var/www/html/apps/polls/lib/Model/Acl.php",
				"line": 156,
				"function": "find",
				"class": "OCA\\Polls\\Db\\PollMapper",
				"type": "->"
				"file": "/var/www/html/apps/polls/lib/Model/Acl.php",
				"line": 203,
				"function": "getPoll",
				"class": "OCA\\Polls\\Model\\Acl",
				"type": "->"
				"file": "/var/www/html/apps/polls/lib/Model/Acl.php",
				"line": 326,
				"function": "getIsPollOwner",
				"class": "OCA\\Polls\\Model\\Acl",
				"type": "->"
				"file": "/var/www/html/apps/polls/lib/Model/Acl.php",
				"line": 344,
				"function": "getAllowEditPoll",
				"class": "OCA\\Polls\\Model\\Acl",
				"type": "->"
				"file": "/var/www/html/apps/polls/lib/Model/Acl.php",
				"line": 217,
				"function": "getAllowAccessPoll",
				"class": "OCA\\Polls\\Model\\Acl",
				"type": "->"
				"file": "/var/www/html/apps/polls/lib/Model/Acl.php",
				"line": 239,
				"function": "getIsAllowed",
				"class": "OCA\\Polls\\Model\\Acl",
				"type": "->"
				"file": "/var/www/html/apps/polls/lib/Model/Acl.php",
				"line": 137,
				"function": "request",
				"class": "OCA\\Polls\\Model\\Acl",
				"type": "->"
				"file": "/var/www/html/apps/polls/lib/Service/VoteService.php",
				"line": 60,
				"function": "setPollId",
				"class": "OCA\\Polls\\Model\\Acl",
				"type": "->"
				"file": "/var/www/html/apps/polls/lib/Controller/VoteController.php",
				"line": 53,
				"function": "list",
				"class": "OCA\\Polls\\Service\\VoteService",
				"type": "->"
				"file": "/var/www/html/apps/polls/lib/Controller/BaseController.php",
				"line": 56,
				"function": "OCA\\Polls\\Controller\\{closure}",
				"class": "OCA\\Polls\\Controller\\VoteController",
				"type": "->",
				"args": [
					"*** sensitive parameters replaced ***"
				"file": "/var/www/html/apps/polls/lib/Controller/VoteController.php",
				"line": 53,
				"function": "response",
				"class": "OCA\\Polls\\Controller\\BaseController",
				"type": "->"
				"file": "/var/www/html/lib/private/AppFramework/Http/Dispatcher.php",
				"line": 230,
				"function": "list",
				"class": "OCA\\Polls\\Controller\\VoteController",
				"type": "->"
				"file": "/var/www/html/lib/private/AppFramework/Http/Dispatcher.php",
				"line": 137,
				"function": "executeController",
				"class": "OC\\AppFramework\\Http\\Dispatcher",
				"type": "->"
				"file": "/var/www/html/lib/private/AppFramework/App.php",
				"line": 184,
				"function": "dispatch",
				"class": "OC\\AppFramework\\Http\\Dispatcher",
				"type": "->"
				"file": "/var/www/html/lib/private/Route/Router.php",
				"line": 315,
				"function": "main",
				"class": "OC\\AppFramework\\App",
				"type": "::"
				"file": "/var/www/html/lib/base.php",
				"line": 1069,
				"function": "match",
				"class": "OC\\Route\\Router",
				"type": "->"
				"file": "/var/www/html/index.php",
				"line": 39,
				"function": "handleRequest",
				"class": "OC",
				"type": "::"
		"File": "/var/www/html/lib/public/AppFramework/Db/QBMapper.php",
		"Line": 283,
		"message": "Did expect one result but found none when executing: query \"SELECT `polls_polls`.*, coalesce(MAX(options.timestamp), :dcValue1) AS max_date, coalesce(MIN(options.timestamp), :dcValue2) AS min_date, COUNT(`user_vote`.`vote_answer`) AS `current_user_votes`, coalesce(shares.type, :dcValue4) AS user_role, `shares`.`locked` AS `is_current_user_locked` FROM `*PREFIX*polls_polls` `polls_polls` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*polls_options` `options` ON `polls_polls`.`id` = `options`.`poll_id` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*polls_votes` `user_vote` ON (`user_vote`.`poll_id` = `polls_polls`.`id`) AND (`user_vote`.`user_id` = :dcValue3) LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*polls_share` `shares` ON (`polls_polls`.`id` = `shares`.`poll_id`) AND (`shares`.`user_id` = :dcValue5) AND (`shares`.`deleted` = :dcValue6) WHERE `polls_polls`.`id` = :dcValue7 GROUP BY `polls_polls`.`id`, `shares`.`type`, `shares`.`locked`\"; ",
		"exception": [],
		"CustomMessage": "Did expect one result but found none when executing: query \"SELECT `polls_polls`.*, coalesce(MAX(options.timestamp), :dcValue1) AS max_date, coalesce(MIN(options.timestamp), :dcValue2) AS min_date, COUNT(`user_vote`.`vote_answer`) AS `current_user_votes`, coalesce(shares.type, :dcValue4) AS user_role, `shares`.`locked` AS `is_current_user_locked` FROM `*PREFIX*polls_polls` `polls_polls` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*polls_options` `options` ON `polls_polls`.`id` = `options`.`poll_id` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*polls_votes` `user_vote` ON (`user_vote`.`poll_id` = `polls_polls`.`id`) AND (`user_vote`.`user_id` = :dcValue3) LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*polls_share` `shares` ON (`polls_polls`.`id` = `shares`.`poll_id`) AND (`shares`.`user_id` = :dcValue5) AND (`shares`.`deleted` = :dcValue6) WHERE `polls_polls`.`id` = :dcValue7 GROUP BY `polls_polls`.`id`, `shares`.`type`, `shares`.`locked`\"; "
	"id": "66100efa10592"

This is strange. It seems as if the votes of a non existing polls are requested. I changed the error handling.

Since I could not reproduce the situation, please be so kind to report, if the error still occurs after the update.

Ok thank you very much

This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.