nextcloud / notifications

:bell: Notifications app for Nextcloud

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Notification for video visualisations are counted twice

RodSeq opened this issue · comments

Nexcloud doesn't notify the right number of visualisations of videos

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a public link to a video stored on a NC repository
  2. Open the public link of the video
  3. See that the NC repository notifies 2x visualisations of the video every time that the public link is opened (or everytime that the page is refreshed) + 1x visualisation when I move the video time cursor

Expected behaviour

NC repository should only notifies 1x visualisation every time that the public link is opened (or refreshed)

Actual behaviour

NC repository notifies 2x visualisations of the video every time that the public link is opened (or everytime that the page is refreshed) + 1x visualisation when I move the video time cursor

Operating system:
Linux 5.4.140


PHP version:
PHP 8.1

Nextcloud version: (see Nextcloud admin page)

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