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OCA\\Notifications\\MailNotifications::sendEmailToUser() BUG + Fix

wehowski opened this issue · comments

I got the following errors in the log from cronjobs:

OCA\Notifications\MailNotifications::sendEmailToUser(): Argument #3 ($language) must be of type string, bool given, called in /apps/notifications/lib/MailNotifications.php on line 169

I am about to try to fix it now in line 138:

if ($fallbackLang === null || is_bool($fallbackLang)) {

I am on nc 27.1.4 with all apps updated to latest versions.

Edit: The fix works, notifications queued where send now.

But neither default_language nor force_language is a bool?

/me looks up the code

Why would we do a string+bool config?

/me looks up the author

What in the world :D

TLDR: Yeah you are right

I post the complete code snippet below.
$fallbackLang is copied to $languageCode if $userLanguages[$settings->getUserId()] is empty/undefined.
The line WITHOUT the change was

if ($fallbackLang === null) {

WITH the change:

$fallbackLang = $this->config->getSystemValue('force_language', null);
		if ($fallbackLang === null || is_bool($fallbackLang)) {
			$fallbackLang = $this->config->getSystemValue('default_language', 'en');
			$userLanguages = $this->config->getUserValueForUsers('core', 'lang', $userIds);
		} else {
			$userLanguages = [];

		foreach ($userSettings as $settings) {
			if (isset($userEnabled[$settings->getUserId()]) && $userEnabled[$settings->getUserId()] === 'false') {
				// User is disabled, skip sending the email for them
				if ($settings->getNextSendTime() <= $sendTime) {
						$sendTime + $settings->getBatchTime()

			// Get the settings for this particular user, then check if we have notifications to email them
			$languageCode = $userLanguages[$settings->getUserId()] ?? $fallbackLang;
			$timezone = $userTimezones[$settings->getUserId()] ?? $fallbackTimeZone;

			/** @var INotification[] $notifications */
			$notifications = $this->handler->getAfterId($settings->getLastSendId(), $settings->getUserId());
			if (!empty($notifications)) {
				$oldestNotification = end($notifications);
				$shouldSendAfter = $oldestNotification->getDateTime()->getTimestamp() + $settings->getBatchTime();

				if ($shouldSendAfter <= $sendTime) {
					// User has notifications that should send
					$this->sendEmailToUser($settings, $notifications, $languageCode, $timezone);
				} else {

All good, patch looks fine. Do you want to turn it into an actual pull request? Or shall I do that for you

Oh it would great if you could do that for me as you might be more involved in the nextcloud code/dev-team than me!?!
Thank you!