next-boost / next-boost

Add a cache layer for server-side-rendered pages with stale-while-revalidate. Can be considered as an implementation of next.js's Incremental Static Regeneration which works with getServerSideProps.

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Potential difference between default and custom cache adapter

dricholm opened this issue · comments

Hello @rjyo,
I just started trying out the library and it looks promising so far. I have a question or maybe a bug report.

When using the .next-boost.js config file, the path to the cache can be supplied in the cache.path property. However it seems this is not passed to the default Cache.init() when cacheAdapter is not provided in the config. This results in all options using the default, path being \tmp\hdc.

> Preparing cached handler
  Loaded next-boost config from .next-boost.js
// Logging the merged conflict shows all the options
// Logging from next-boost-hdc-adapter's init shows undefined
  Cache located at \tmp\hdc
  Cache manager inited, will start to purge in 3600s

A workaround I found is to pass the adapter itself in the .next-boost.js config file:

cacheAdapter: hdcAdapter.init({
  path: path.join(__dirname, 'cache'),

Could this be fixed so we don't have to create the adapter outside?

Another thing I noticed is that in Handler's close shutdown() is called on the default Cache object. Should this be called on the above created cache instead? Otherwise the provided cache's shutdown() would never be called.

Thank you!

Thanks for the reporting.

As I have added support for different cache adapters, now you need to pass the adapter from .next-boost.js in the latest version. Thus you can have flexible initial configurations for different types of cache adapters.

This also decouples the original hybrid-disk-cache from next-boost. So when you are using redis-cache, you don't have to install sqlite3 related node modules (which have native code compiling and are slow).

// An example with redis adapter
const Adapter = require('@next-boost/redis-cache').Adapter

module.exports = {
  cacheAdapter: new Adapter({
    uri: 'redis://',
    ttl: 60,
    tbd: 3600,
// An example with hybrid-disk-cache adapter
const Adapter = require('@next-boost/hybrid-disk-cache').Adapter

module.exports = {
  cacheAdapter: new Adapter({
    path: '/tmp/hdc',
    ttl: 60,
    tbd: 3600,