nex3 / sass-mode

Emacs mode for Sass

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Syntax highlighting off for /*! comments.

docwhat opened this issue · comments

I have a scss file that begins with:

 *  Theme Name:     Doctor What 2011
 *  Author:         Christian Höltje
 *  Author URI:
 *  Template:       toolbox
 *  Version:        1.0

But everything past the /*! is not highlighted correctly.

In addition, indent-region acts weird for all code below this.

For example, I can select the SCSS directly below this, then run multiple indent-regions and it'll shift around each time I indent.

Also just regular /* comments, everything past the first line is not highlighted, and when // comments are not the first non-whitespace on the line they are not highlighted.

when // comments are not the first non-whitespace on the line they are not highlighted.

Came to report this. I guess there hasn't been any work done. Time to fork.

EDIT: Seems this might require some major refactoring. I'm not sure I'll be able to fix it.

I also have this issue :(

I note that when @docwhat filed this issue, it was for an scss document, but there is a separate scss-mode, and this sass-mode.el doesn't support the scss formatting variant.

But it's also true that sass-mode doesn't handle these comments well in "classic" sass stylesheets, and having investigated possible fixes, I concur with @mkaito that a solution is indeed non-trivial. I help to maintain haml-mode, which sass-mode extends, but I probably don't have the time to debug & resolve this particular issue myself.