nex3 / perspective-el

Perspectives for Emacs.

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Marginalia annotation not working with `persp-switch-to-buffer*`

ahmed-shariff opened this issue · comments

I am using selectrum for completion. Since perspective generates a list as a candidate list for completing-read, when using persp-switch-to-buffer* marginalia's annotations don't work. According to minad/marginalia#48 :

buffer completion category the problem should be fixed and you will get the usual marginalia buffer annotations which work for switch-to-buffer!

Though I have not clue what this means.

sweet, thanx alot. This seems to work. I'll open a new issue if I run into anything else related to this.


Patch merged into master and should reach MELPA in a couple of hours.

For reference for anyone looking for a solution with consult

     (consult-customize consult--source-buffer :hidden t :default nil)
     (defvar consult--source-perspective
       (list :name     "Perspective"
             :narrow   ?s
             :category 'buffer
             :state    #'consult--buffer-state
             :default  t
             :items    #'persp-get-buffer-names))
     (push consult--source-perspective consult-buffer-sources)