newrelic / newrelic-node-apollo-server-plugin

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Similar metrics on every apollo server request

bizob2828 opened this issue · comments

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In #247 we added GraphQL/typedResolve/ApolloServer/<parentType>.<fieldName> to further clarify the resolver names when they were ambiguous. At the time we decided to keep the GraphQL/resolve/ApolloServer/<fieldName>. You can get what you need from both typedResolve and there may not be a need for the resolve metrics.

Feature Description

Only create GraphQL/typedResolve/ApolloServer/<parentType>.<fieldName>

Describe Alternatives

We could provide another config to config.captureTypedResolvers and when true it will only create the typedResolve metric and when false it would only create the resolve metric.

Additional context

There was a report from a customer via GTS of metric explosion after upgrading to a version that has this. We are still digging into how much of an increase. I don't see how it could be more than 1 additional metric per resolver though.