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Bug on Device

hehe-wz opened this issue · comments

Run on my iphone5 (iOS 7.1.1). Broke when the screen was still dark. Guess is the problem for SpriteKit since even initial game app written in Swift with SpriteKit can't work on device, while change to OC it works fine.



Same on iOS 7.0.4, iPhone 5.

Waiting for bugfix

Same issue iOS 7.1.1, new iPad

Breaks on iPad Mini Retina v7.1.1 with an EXC_BAD_ACCESS and black screen on device.
Runs OK in simulator with iOS v8.
Gotta be an iOS beta problem.

same problem on iPhone 5 (7.1.1) and iPad Mini (7.1), but working on simulator.

same on iphone4s 7.1.1

Same on simulator 7.1 and 5S device running 7.1. Works fine on an 8.0 beta iPad.

Would love to hear a workaround for this; don't want to have to update my iPhone to iOS8.0 before the bugs are ironed out!

Are you able to run the stock iOS / Swift / Spritekit template game on a device on iOS 7.1? I'm trying to figure out if this is a problem with FlappySwift or a problem with the new SDK in general.

/cc @zhukejun @yeldarby @jimbergman

@jashmenn - where can I find it?

IIRC, you can build Swift programs that target iOS 7, with a few caveats. You do need Xcode 6, though.

I confirmed that the issue is happening with the SpriteKit template game on iPhone 5 iOS 7.1 both simulator and hardware. So probably issue with SDK as @jashmenn suggests.

This still happens in beta 4. Has anyone reported a bug for it yet?

Edit: looks like this may be the culprit:


this issue is happening with the SpriteKit on iOS 7.1 both simulator and device


this issue is fix, in class GameViewController:
skView.ignoresSiblingOrder = true
+let scene = GameScene(size: skView.bounds.size)

Anyone care to submit a pull requests for this? /cc @chenlam

@chenlam your fix stopped the crash but distorted the app graphics, did this happen to anyone?

I believe this is fixed now in ios8+