newjersey / dhs-oneapp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Plan for week of 11/24

amalabukar31 opened this issue · comments

Leah (PM)

  • strategy meetings
  • prep for NJ contractor meeting
  • review user stories for quick submit
  • working on Monday, off rest of the week

Amal (PM)

  • Refining User stories for quick submit #389
  • documentation, project roadmap-done by next week
  • work on upcoming epics-ongoing
  • prep for team strategy meeting with Allyce

Allyce (Design and content)

  • Review designs and content for Quick Submit #275
  • prep for team strategy meeting
  • reviewing user stories and design gaps #389

Brian (Design and Policy)

  • Draft research plan for quick submit #291 (update doc based on Melissa sync)
  • Drafting copy and content review for quick submit
  • Federal reporting requirements for states #437

Melissa (Design)-out until Monday

  • UX and accessibility review of quick submit designs
  • sync with Brian on research plan
  • sync with Mike on accessibility needs
  • review of staging #120

Mike (Frontend)

  • Build out form component unit tests #246
  • Form builder updates and related components for Basic Information section #176
  • Review homepage, login screens, questions flow, and other screens in staging #120
  • Vue components on mobile issues (needs issue)
  • presubmit page

Ron (pivoting to Frontend)

  • GraphQL integrations on frontend (will capture in tickets)
  • work on form builder in (build issues), sync up on frontend

Maya (Backend)

  • GraphQL PRS #399, #422, #423, #427
  • continue GraphQL Query and Mutation tickets