newearthmartin / django-opennode

Django app for receiving payments with OpenNode

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Django app for receiving payments with OpenNode


I'm using this library to receive payments on my projects. It is not complete but does the job. Contributions are welcome.




In your production settings file, define:


In your testing settings file, use:



Django-opennode provides a view for handling webhooks from OpenNode. Additionally, you can supply a success return URL and also you would need to have a view that creates a charge:

from opennode.views import opennode_charge_webhooks
from your_project.views import opennode_success, opennode_create_charge

urlpatterns = [
    # view from django-opennode:
    path('opennode/charge/webhooks', opennode_charge_webhooks),
    # your views:
    path('opennode/success', opennode_success), 
    path('opennode/charge/create', opennode_create_charge, name='opennode_create_charge'),

Creating a charge

To create a charge, you need to call the opennode.api.create_charge method. You need to unpack the result of opennode.api.create_charge into charge and error. If error is None, you can send the user to the hosted_checkout_url, which is hosted by OpenNode.

This is an example of a view that creates the charge and redirects to OpenNode's hosted checkout page:

from opennode.api import create_charge
from opennode.views import opennode_charge_webhooks
from your_project.views import opennode_success

def opennode_create_charge(request):
    order_id = 'order-1234'
    description = 'My order description'
    buyer_email = ''
    price = 10
    currency = 'USD'
    webhooks_url = 'https://yourserver.domain' + reverse(opennode_charge_webhooks)
    success_url = 'https://yourserver.domain' + reverse(opennode_success)
    charge, error = create_charge(order_id, price, currency, webhooks_url, 
                                  description=description, notif_email=buyer_email,
    if error:
        return HttpResponseServerError(f'Error creating OpenNode charge: {error}')

    # adding ln=1 to prioritize Lightning Network
    return HttpResponseRedirect(charge.hosted_checkout_url + '?ln=1')  


OpenNode will use the opennode_charge_webhooks URL to notify you of changes to charges. This view will trigger the signal opennode.signals.opennode_charge_event_received which you can subscribe to.

There are many state changes and not all webhooks mean that a charge has been paid. You must check that the charge status is "paid":

from django.dispatch import receiver
from opennode.signals import opennode_charge_event_received

def opennode_received(sender, **_):
    charge = sender.charge
    status = charge.status
    order_id = charge.order_id
    created_at = charge.created_at
    fiat_value = charge.source_fiat_value

    print(f'Opennode event received - {order_id} - {status}- {created_at} - {fiat_value}')
    if charge.status != 'paid':
        print(f'Charge {order_id} is not paid - ignoring')
    print(f'Charge {order_id} is paid! - processing')    


Django app for receiving payments with OpenNode

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%