nevir / SMJobKit

Repository from Github https://github.comnevir/SMJobKitRepository from Github https://github.comnevir/SMJobKit

Unclear documentation

joubin opened this issue · comments

Sorry if part of this question is due to my ignorance.

But, here is what I have

   var errors:NSError!

         try SampleService.installWithPrompt("some message")
        }catch {
            errors = error as NSError

        if (errors != nil){
            print("Got an error")
            print("all good")

Here is sample service

import SMJobKit

class SampleService : Client{
//    let identifier =  "io.jabbari.Away.SampleService"

    override class var serviceIdentifier: String {
        return "io.jabbari.Away.SampleService"
  1. Why would one of the errors be bundleNotFound?
  2. How can I fix that?
  3. Now, I believe my SampleService is able to run in a higher privilege mode?
  4. Also, how can I retain that privilege escalation the next time the applications launches?

Once, I figure these out, I'd love to add to the read me about how I made my project.

Here is the full project if you'd like to look at it: project
Thanks for the great work

Moving issue to the coco-pod fork of this project.