neutraltone / awesome-stock-resources

:city_sunrise: A collection of links for free stock photography, video and Illustration websites

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Warehouse Import

HACT230138 opened this issue · comments

rtf1 ansi ansicpg1252 uc1 deff0 fonttbl f0 fswiss fcharset0 fprq2 Arial f1 froman fcharset2 fprq2 Symbol colortbl red0 green0 blue0 red255 green255 blue255 stylesheet s0 itap0 nowidctlpar f0 fs24 Normal cs10 additive Default Paragraph Font generator TX_RTF32 14.0.520.503 deftab1134 paperw12240 paperh15840 margl1138 margt1138 margr1138 margb1138 widowctrl formshade sectd headery720 footery720 pgwsxn12240 pghsxn15840 marglsxn1440 margtsxn1440 margrsxn1440 margbsxn1440 pard itap0 n owidctlpar plain f0 fs18 b ul par par pard itap0 nowidctlpar qc plain f0 fs32 b

I want to make a claim to restore the project and work warehouse
Also get support in the analysis of warehouses and get the result of the project request such as what is the procedure and what is the property control in the project and is there support is provided towards this problem in private warehouses githup