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filesystem.writeBinaryFile() appears to not work on Array Buffers above a certain size

dimitrinossar opened this issue · comments

Hi, I'm writing a small project to convert audio files and I've found what I think might be an issue with the writeBinaryFile API. Array Buffers that are above a certain size seem to be choking the program but it won't throw any obvious errors.

const output = ffmpeg.FS('readFile', download)
await filesystem.writeBinaryFile(`${saveLocation}/${download}`, output)

Logging the output will always return a valid uint8array regardless of the file format and lossy audio files (such as mp3) will write to the location fine and continue on with the program's control flow but larger lossless audio files (flac, wav) seem to hang endlessly on the await but importantly refuse to throw an NE_FS_FILWRER error.

To give an idea of the sizes I'm dealing with, my limited test involved an mp3 around 11MB, a flac around 32MB, and a wav around 58mb.