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Notification not working in windows 11 neutralino vue app

orizzontiholding opened this issue · comments


I've integrated my vue app with neutralino and I'm trying to use the functions of the framework.
I've imported in my component the os module and I'm trying to show a notification in windows 11 when a certain method is called in the vue app, but this seems not working.

        saveData() {
            //supabase.from('').insert({}).then( (status) => {}).catch( (e) => console.log(e) )
           os.showNotification('Success', 'Dati salvati correttamente')

the way I'm importing neutralino components is this

import { os } from '@neutralinojs/lib'

Is there something wrong or is a bug of neutralino library?

@orizzontiholding is your websocket connected properly?

Hey, @shalithasuranga @orizzontiholding
The code is properly working, I think using async/await this problem will be solved

async saveData() {
     try {
                await os.showNotification('Success', 'Dati salvati correttamente');
       } catch (error) {
                console.error('Error displaying notification:', error);

@orizzontiholding the same code works on linux but it doesn't work on windows 11 I'm not sure why that's the case.
I think it is because windows asks for permission to show notifications from apps
@shalithasuranga requesting you valuable inputs here