neurocard / neurocard

State-of-the-art neural cardinality estimators for join queries

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to fill the value in JoinOrderBenchmark.TRUE_FULL_OUTER_CARDINALITY?

hzy9819 opened this issue · comments

I want to change a new dataset for the model but I don't know the meaning of this dict

@hzy9819 those are the full outer join cardinalities for specific join graphs. They are used as the normalizing constant to convert probability outputs from NeuroCard's model to cardinalities.

For a new dataset/join graph, the full outer cardinality is automatically calculated and cached in the attribute FactorizedSampler.join_card. This can then be statically registered in Specifically, try printing join_iter_dataset.sampler.join_card after this line of

Got it! It seems i need to change a lot for a new dataset... Could you please write a guide for this?