nettitude / PoshC2

A proxy aware C2 framework used to aid red teamers with post-exploitation and lateral movement.

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[BUG] download-file command via PBind-Sharp pivot is broken

WildcardTheory opened this issue · comments


Using the "download-file" command inside of an active PBind-connect csharp pivot results in an assembly-load error.

Execution Environment:

Full Posh version | PoshC2 v8.1 (5179034 2022-08-01 10:09:15)
OS & version | Any windows OS
Using | Standard git branch

Implant Info

C# - PBind

  • How was the implant created?

Default, Shellcode and custom, same results.

Defensive Technologies

  • Is the target environment running any particular defensive products?

No, this is a lab without any AV.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Fire up a csharp posh payload on HOST 1 & wait for callback.
  2. Fire up a PBind payload on target HOST 2.
  3. On host 1 use pbind-connect HOST 2.
  4. Receive PBIND pivot and verify that it's connected properly.
  5. Finally, inside the PBIND pivot download any file using "download-file". The error will immediately be apparent.

Expected behavior

The "download-file" command should commence the file download in the same way as the daisy and dropper payloads.