netresearch / jumpstorm

Extendible Tool to set up Magento, including extensions, settings and execution of additional tasks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Jumpstorm wants to help you concentrate on the task you have to do. No more time has to be wasted for Magento setup. It even could setup your Magento automatically, so it can even be used for demo or test systems.

Its flexible architecture allows you to extend its functionality as you need.

For extension with modman support, deployment is done with modman, so you'll get a ready-to-use installation at the end. All the other extensions, e.g. from Magento Connect will be hard-copied to your Magento.


Clone from Github:

git clone --recursive

cd jumpstorm


We recommend to symlink the executable jumpstorm in /usr/bin or at least to create an alias in your ~/.profile:

echo 'alias jumpstorm="/path/to/jumpstorm/executable"' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

After that you can leave the folder jumpstorm and use command jumpstorm instead of ./jumpstorm in the following tutorial.


Type on command line:


and you will get a list of available commands and options.

Currently supported commands are

command description
magento Install Magento
extensions Install extensions
unittesting Install framework for unittests and prepare test database
plugins Run plugins
run Combines the other commands: install Magento, prepare unittesting, install extensions and run plugins

The first thing you should do, is creating the configuration file, your installation should be based on. We provided a sample configuration file ini/sample.jumpstorm.ini, Jumpstorm will use ini/jumpstorm.ini by default, but you could specify a different configuration file by using option -c (--config):

./jumpstorm magento -c /path/to/my/ini

Every command needs the [common] section of the configuration file, so you should fill in the correct values of the Magento target path and your database settings.


As you propably expected, this command will install Magento.

Let's have a look at the [magento] section of your configuration file:

Jumpstorm needs to know where to find Magento, you will have to specify that in option source. [1] If you decide for Git as source, you might specify a branch.

[1](1, 2, 3) Jumpstorm is well-tested to support Git, but other sources like file system and ssh are supported, too.

During installation Magento will need to know its base url and it will create an admin account. You should set its data in your configuration file.

If you want Jumpstorm to install Magento sample data, you should provide its source [1] (and its branch, if source is Git).

When you finished configuration, you will get a fresh Magento installation after running

./jumpstorm magento -c /path/to/my/ini

Please note, that option -c /path/to/my/ini is optional.


Jumpstorm was developed for testing, supporting, and developing extensions. So let's have a look into extension installation configuration.

In section [extensions] you can provide a list of extensions to be installed automatically. For every extension you have to provide a source [1] and you could provide a branch, if you use Git as source.

You could also decide to use Magento Connect as extension source. In that case, please use the following syntax in your configuration file, e.g. Fooman Speedster:

fooman_speedster  = magentoconnect://community/Fooman_Speedster

All configured extension will be installed by executing:

./jumpstorm extensions -c /path/to/my/ini

Please note, that option -c /path/to/my/ini is optional.


We are big fans of test driven development. So unit testing is essential. In our sample configuration file, EcomDev_PHPUnit is used as default testing framework. We recommend to use this, so just copy this section to your configuration file (you could set its branch to dev, if you want to use its latest features and bugfixes).

Now just run the following command and start testing and developing:

./jumpstorm unittesting -c /path/to/my/ini

Please note, that option -c /path/to/my/ini is optional.


In some cases you may want to have a little different setup, e.g. some special users, products, or settings. To achieve that, Jumpstorm is extendible. The sample configuration file already provides a [plugins] section. Every plugin mentioned there will be executed by running

./jumpstorm plugins -c /path/to/my/ini

Please note, that option -c /path/to/my/ini is optional.

How to write your own plugins?

Plugins follow a simple structure. They are placed in the plugins directory. Each plugin is itself a directory with at least one php file inside, containing a php class:

├── ini
│   └── custom
│       ├── main.ini
│       └── plugin_d.ini
└── plugins
    ├── PluginA
    │   └── PluginA.php
    └── PluginD
        └── PluginD.php

The directory, the php file and the php class must have the same name (with uppercase first letter) as is used in the main configuration file. Plugins can be easily disabled by either not mentioning them in the main configuration or by setting their configuration value enabled to 0:

; Plugin will be skipped
PluginA.enabled = 0

; Plugin will be active and will have that single configuration value "someValue"
PluginB = someValue

; Plugin will be active and will have configuration ['foo' => 0, 'bar' => 'foobar'] = 0 = foobar

; Plugin will be active and will load additional settings from given path
PluginD.ini = ini/custom/plugin_d.ini

The plugin's main php class must implement Netresearch\PluginInterface.

Upcoming features

Interactive mode

If you use Jumpstorm for a bunch of different projects on and on, you become tired of changing the config file. So it would be nice to specify some settings to be confirmed (and corrected) during execution of Jumpstorm. This mode will be suppressed by the built-in option -n (--no-interaction).


Extendible Tool to set up Magento, including extensions, settings and execution of additional tasks.


Language:PHP 100.0%