netpoe / Gus.2016.v2

Personal website 2016 - v2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Easy Box Model (EBM)

Getting started

  • git clone name_of_your_project
  • Mac users: sudo npm install - Windows users: npm install
  • grunt

That's it. Start coding in the app/index.html file and style it on the src/scss/EBM/_ebm-global.scss file. Grunt will live-reload any changes on a localhost:9000 server.

See available branches for more info about how the EBM is updated.


The EBM is a structured set of frontend libraries and tools and a workflow proposal on how to use them to drastically increase web development productivity.

Thoughts about time

After having worked on at least 20 web projects throughout 18 months, we discovered that time tracking does not objectively measure productivity, instead, we prefer talking about time efficiency, where the ammount of time taken to complete a project in the stages of development, Q&A and production can be decreased if each individual inside the development team uses productivity resources.

Productivity resources

So, if time tracking does not objectively measure development productivity: How can we make sure that at least, we are taking less time on completing tasks and completing them well?

Taking less time on completing tasks

Habits. Development habits are systematic steps that individuals take to complete the given tasks.

Even the simplest tasks, add up to the overall development time of the project

Here is a list of how the EBM proposes to work on these habits:

  • Naming conventions in files, selectors and elements
  • Text editor shortcuts and tools
  • Browser shortcuts and tools
  • Computer shortcuts and tools
  • Size units value references
  • Command line aliases
  • Troubleshooting techniques
  • Aknowledgement of the available resources
  • Health and comfort considerations

Less time, but without compromising the product quality

Can we get a balance between time and quality?

Can we accomplish it on large teams?

What does quality mean?

  • Accessibility
  • Performance
  • Readibility
  • Compatibility
  • Scalability
  • Functionality

EBM aims to:

  • Create workflow consistency for frontend development teams
  • Define a standard set of development tools to ensure product quality
  • Help developers on building their time efficiency habits
  • Help on the development team communication process by specifying naming conventions and project structure
  • Document and automate processes
  • Output light CSS files for its use in CMS's and scalable web applications
  • Help frontend development teams to think in the Sass way

EBM expected outputs

  • Satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software
  • Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage
  • Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale
  • Working software is the primary measure of progress
  • Sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely
  • Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility
  • Simplicity
  • Self-organizing teams
  • At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly

EBM structure

  • Setup
  • Sass utilities
  • HTML utilities - docs in progress
  • JavaScript utilities - docs in progress
  • Productivity resources - docs in progress

Available branches

EBM is 1.3mb for the master branch. However, you can clone any of these other branches:

Sass utilities only

This branch is where the updates to the src/scss/ are made:

git clone -b sass-utilities name_of_your_project

HTML utilities + Sass utilities

Clone the EBM with the HTML utilities

git clone -b html-utilities name_of_your_project

Wordpress theme boilerplate

Clone the EBM wordpress theme boilerplate into your wp-content/themes/ which comes with setup files such as functions.php, index.php, screenshot.png, header.php, footer.php and style.css right away.

If your WP project already has a working .git folder, read more about git subtree

git clone -b wordpress-boilerplate name_of_your_project


Clone the EBM plus experimental Sass partials and HTML5 new tag attributes and other Grunt tasks still on development

git clone -b experimental name_of_your_project

How to contribute

As previously stated, the EBM is a proposal on how to use the selected libraries and tools, it was born as an always-evolving structure and methodology so it's on its nature to be like that.

There are 3 ways to contribute:

  1. Extending and optimizing the main files: src/ and app/. Meaning that contributors may create new files for the HTML, Sass and JavaScript utilities or suggest new class, mixins or function names so every benefits from it.
  2. Extending and optimizing the documentation. The docs site is a Wordpress theme for practical, distribution and structural reasons, however, there's a documentation repo issues where typos, semantic, syntactic, grammatical or extension issues can be submitted.
  3. The EBM focuses on front-end development for now and its proposal has been tested in front-end development teams, however, it is one of the EBM aims to contribute on the collaboration and communication among the entire development team, meaning back-end and front-end. If you feel comfortable with project-management topics and practices that may add-up to the time-efficiency principles and productivity resources, you are more than welcome as a collaborator.



Personal website 2016 - v2



Language:PHP 71.7%Language:CSS 14.4%Language:JavaScript 13.8%Language:CoffeeScript 0.0%Language:HTML 0.0%Language:Ruby 0.0%Language:ApacheConf 0.0%