netdata / dashboard

Netdata Agent v1 Dashboard (deprecated)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

illegal characters (;) in URLS (fragment)

ilyam8 opened this issue · comments

@karlhungus commented on Fri Aug 16 2019

Bug report summary

netdata uses a ; as a separator for it fragments. This trips up some security software. RFC 3986 describes valid characters after fragments.

OS / Environment


Netdata version (ouput of netdata -V)

1.10.0 (but also head)

Component Name


Steps To Reproduce

Visit a dashboard on the provided docker image url contains ; i.e. http://localhost:19999/#;theme=slate

Expected behavior

Ideally replace semicolons with something valid like .

Related Issue netdata/netdata#3819

@thiagoftsm commented on Fri Aug 16 2019

Hi @karlhungus ,

The Netdata webserver follows the RFC using '&' as separator, this specific feature is used in our dashboard that wil be changed in a near future, I will discuss with our team about this problem that you are reporting, but when I tried to access the Netdata( I am using the latest version) I did not have any problem to see the charts and work with the software.

Best regards!

@ilyam8 commented on Fri Aug 16 2019

The Netdata webserver follows the RFC using '&' as separator

That separator is for querires, the issue about fragments separator


сс: @jacekkolasa