netbe / Babelish

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How to use `output_basenames`?

daniavram opened this issue · comments

Hi. Is there any way you could update the Wiki with a guide on how to use output_basenames specifically? I have a Google Sheet, provided three output_basenames in the config file but only the first one is taken into account. Should there be a column in the Google Sheet which tells babelish which row to export to which output file? I am exporting for iOS, by the way.

Hi @daniavram,
the option output_basenames is used only if you have multiple sheets in your google spreadsheet.
So given you have in your doc two sheets named and the option output_basenames is provided:

  - Localizable
  - info

The first sheet will produce files en.lproj/Localizable.strings, de.lproj/Localizable.strings ... for example
The second sheet will produce files en.lproj/info.strings, de.lproj/info.strings
(given that the two sheets contain English and German columns)

Hope that helps ;)

Hi, @netbe,

It does help, indeed. Thank you 🙂
Thing is that i did have multiple sheets in my Google Doc, but I also had the sheet: 0 option in the config file. I removed that and after that output_basenames worked as intended

Merci and kudos for this cool tool 😉