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GitHub suspended three anti-censorship developers

mmmray opened this issue · comments

sometime within the past three days, three accounts got suspended:


there is no indication that the suspensions are related at all, they only correlate in time

all three accounts are unsuspended now

XTLS/Xray-core#3193 (comment)


Quiet interesting.

被微软收购的最大源代码托管平台 GitHub 正变得越来越像微软或 Google——你的账号出现问题之后无法找到真人联系和快速解决问题。Neovim 插件作者 iAm Bhagwan 在 Redidt 上发帖称其账号莫名其妙被封了,没有被盗或被入侵的任何痕迹,他尝试联络 GitHub 但至今为止还没有任何回应,他已经在 GitLab 创建了项目的镜像。上个月,GitHub 短暂了屏蔽了其联合创始人、前 CEO Chris Wanstrath “defunkt”的账号。他在社交媒体上发布这一消息之后 GitHub COO Kyle Daigle 亲自检查了该事件,发现是该平台的 Automation System 系统触发的误报。此事凸显了在 GitHub 上托管关键系统所面临的风险,绝大部分开发者都不是 GitHub 联合创始人或前高管,他们的账号如果无缘无故被封不太可能会在短时间内解封。

GitHub, the largest source code hosting platform acquired by Microsoft, is becoming more and more like Microsoft or Google - there's no way to get in touch with a real person to quickly fix problems with your account. iAm Bhagwan, author of the Neovim plugin, posted on Redidt that his account had been blocked for some reason. There's no sign of theft or intrusion, he's tried to contact GitHub but so far there's been no response, and he's already created a mirror of the project in GitLab. Last month, GitHub briefly blocked the account of its co-founder and former CEO Chris Wanstrath "defunkt". After he posted the news on social media, GitHub COO Kyle Daigle personally examined the incident and found that the platform's Automation System had triggered the false positives. The incident highlights the risks of hosting critical systems on GitHub, where the vast majority of developers are not GitHub co-founders or former executives, and it's unlikely that their accounts would be unblocked anytime soon if they were blocked for no apparent reason.