nestjsx / nestjs-typeorm-paginate

:page_with_curl: Pagination response object function + types for typeorm + nestjs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sorting Support

hichemfantar opened this issue · comments

Can you add sorting support? It's a very useful feature.

How do you mean? You're able to provide a queryBuilder so you can build you're own query to the paginate func

const queryBuilder = this.repository.createQueryBuilder('c');
    queryBuilder.orderBy('', 'DESC')
    .where('c.somethings = :something', { something: 'this' });

    return paginate<CatEntity>(queryBuilder, options);

I've implemented sorting and join feature in my CRUD base service class:
I hope my implementation can provide you with a little reference

Think I understand, sorting as in order + reversing the order. This can be done already using the findManyOptions

paginate<Entity>(this.repo, options, {
  order: {
    [key]: 'ASC',

Where key is keyof Entity

It's a pretty open method that allows for any implementation. In @mnixry answer, it's pretty complex but does the job! And is an example of allowing any implementation! Looks pretty decent <3