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Update to 3.0 in @nestjs/ package

mateuszlewko opened this issue · comments

Hi there, got recently updated to 3.0. @nestjs/ depends on the version 2.3. Note that 3.0 client/server is not backwards compatible with v2.0.

As this will be a major change, we can probably make this a goal for v8. @kamilmysliwiec does that sound right?

Correct @jmcdo29. Let's wait till the next major release.

For those that need 3 support now, here is a adapter from the official nestjs sources adjusted for version 3.0.


import { INestApplicationContext } from '@nestjs/common';
import { isFunction, isNil } from '@nestjs/common/utils/shared.utils';
import {
} from '@nestjs/websockets';
import { DISCONNECT_EVENT } from '@nestjs/websockets/constants';
import { fromEvent, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { filter, first, map, mergeMap, share, takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Server } from '';

export class SocketIoAdapter extends AbstractWsAdapter {
    appOrHttpServer?: INestApplicationContext | any,
    private readonly corsOrigins = [],
  ) {

  public create(
    port: number,
    options?: any & { namespace?: string; server?: any },
  ): any {
    if (!options) {
      return this.createIOServer(port);
    const { namespace, server, ...opt } = options;
    return server && isFunction(server.of)
      ? server.of(namespace)
      : namespace
      ? this.createIOServer(port, opt).of(namespace)
      : this.createIOServer(port, opt);

  public createIOServer(port: number, options?: any): any {
    if (this.httpServer && port === 0) {
      const s = new Server(this.httpServer, {
        cors: {
          origin: this.corsOrigins,
          methods: ['GET', 'POST'],
          credentials: true,
        cookie: {
          name: 'io',
          httpOnly: true,
          path: '/',
        // Allow 1MB of data per request.
        maxHttpBufferSize: 1e6,

      return s;
    return new Server(port, options);

  public bindMessageHandlers(
    client: any,
    handlers: MessageMappingProperties[],
    transform: (data: any) => Observable<any>,
  ) {
    const disconnect$ = fromEvent(client, DISCONNECT_EVENT).pipe(

    handlers.forEach(({ message, callback }) => {
      const source$ = fromEvent(client, message).pipe(
        mergeMap((payload: any) => {
          const { data, ack } = this.mapPayload(payload);
          return transform(callback(data, ack)).pipe(
            filter((response: any) => !isNil(response)),
            map((response: any) => [response, ack]),
      source$.subscribe(([response, ack]) => {
        if (response.event) {
          return client.emit(response.event,;
        isFunction(ack) && ack(response);

  public mapPayload(payload: any): { data: any; ack?: Function } {
    if (!Array.isArray(payload)) {
      return { data: payload };
    const lastElement = payload[payload.length - 1];
    const isAck = isFunction(lastElement);
    if (isAck) {
      const size = payload.length - 1;
      return {
        data: size === 1 ? payload[0] : payload.slice(0, size),
        ack: lastElement,
    return { data: payload };


async function bootstrap() {
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
  // ...
  app.useWebSocketAdapter(new SocketIoAdapter(app, corsOrigins));

For those that need 3 support now, here is a adapter from the official nestjs sources adjusted for version 3.0.


import { INestApplicationContext } from '@nestjs/common';
import { isFunction, isNil } from '@nestjs/common/utils/shared.utils';
import {
} from '@nestjs/websockets';
import { DISCONNECT_EVENT } from '@nestjs/websockets/constants';
import { fromEvent, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { filter, first, map, mergeMap, share, takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Server } from '';

export class SocketIoAdapter extends AbstractWsAdapter {
    appOrHttpServer?: INestApplicationContext | any,
    private readonly corsOrigins = [],
  ) {

  public create(
    port: number,
    options?: any & { namespace?: string; server?: any },
  ): any {
    if (!options) {
      return this.createIOServer(port);
    const { namespace, server, ...opt } = options;
    return server && isFunction(server.of)
      ? server.of(namespace)
      : namespace
      ? this.createIOServer(port, opt).of(namespace)
      : this.createIOServer(port, opt);

  public createIOServer(port: number, options?: any): any {
    if (this.httpServer && port === 0) {
      const s = new Server(this.httpServer, {
        cors: {
          origin: this.corsOrigins,
          methods: ['GET', 'POST'],
          credentials: true,
        cookie: {
          name: 'io',
          httpOnly: true,
          path: '/',
        // Allow 1MB of data per request.
        maxHttpBufferSize: 1e6,

      return s;
    return new Server(port, options);

  public bindMessageHandlers(
    client: any,
    handlers: MessageMappingProperties[],
    transform: (data: any) => Observable<any>,
  ) {
    const disconnect$ = fromEvent(client, DISCONNECT_EVENT).pipe(

    handlers.forEach(({ message, callback }) => {
      const source$ = fromEvent(client, message).pipe(
        mergeMap((payload: any) => {
          const { data, ack } = this.mapPayload(payload);
          return transform(callback(data, ack)).pipe(
            filter((response: any) => !isNil(response)),
            map((response: any) => [response, ack]),
      source$.subscribe(([response, ack]) => {
        if (response.event) {
          return client.emit(response.event,;
        isFunction(ack) && ack(response);

  public mapPayload(payload: any): { data: any; ack?: Function } {
    if (!Array.isArray(payload)) {
      return { data: payload };
    const lastElement = payload[payload.length - 1];
    const isAck = isFunction(lastElement);
    if (isAck) {
      const size = payload.length - 1;
      return {
        data: size === 1 ? payload[0] : payload.slice(0, size),
        ack: lastElement,
    return { data: payload };


async function bootstrap() {
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
  // ...
  app.useWebSocketAdapter(new SocketIoAdapter(app, corsOrigins));

It seem not working

Anyone facing the issues when using the latest (3.x), as per #5832, you can install 2.3.1 and set your transports in your WebSocketGateway options to include polling. That seemed to work for me for now.

Hi, when I create the file socket-io.adapter.ts, I get a cookie error: { name: 'io', ....}, name : 'io' gives me an error

Took me a while to figure out latest is now on 3.x but still uses 2.x. He was always connecting and then disconnecting without any error message.

Is there any timeline for Nest v8?

I updated the adapter so it works now. Also changed the origins types to be on par with 3. Anyhow dont know about the cookie thing: I just removed the name and there is also a note about cookies in 3.0 here:

import { INestApplicationContext } from '@nestjs/common';
import { isFunction, isNil } from '@nestjs/common/utils/shared.utils';
import {
} from '@nestjs/websockets';
import { DISCONNECT_EVENT } from '@nestjs/websockets/constants';
import { fromEvent, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { filter, first, map, mergeMap, share, takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Server } from '';
import { CustomOrigin } from '@nestjs/common/interfaces/external/cors-options.interface';

// TODO: Using this until v3 is part of Nest.js, see:
export class SocketIoAdapter extends AbstractWsAdapter {
    appOrHttpServer?: INestApplicationContext | any,
    private corsOrigin?: boolean | string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[] | CustomOrigin,
  ) {

  public create(
    port: number,
    options?: any & { namespace?: string; server?: any },
  ): any {
    if (!options) {
      return this.createIOServer(port);
    const { namespace, server, ...opt } = options;
    return server && isFunction(server.of)
      ? server.of(namespace)
      : namespace
        ? this.createIOServer(port, opt).of(namespace)
        : this.createIOServer(port, opt);

  public createIOServer(port: number, options?: any): any {
    if (this.httpServer && port === 0) {
      const s = new Server(this.httpServer, {
        cors: {
          origin: this.corsOrigin,
          methods: ['GET', 'POST'],
          credentials: true,
        cookie: {
          httpOnly: true,
          path: '/',
        // Allow 1MB of data per request.
        maxHttpBufferSize: 1e6,

      return s;
    return new Server(port, options);

  public bindMessageHandlers(
    client: any,
    handlers: MessageMappingProperties[],
    transform: (data: any) => Observable<any>,
  ) {
    const disconnect$ = fromEvent(client, DISCONNECT_EVENT).pipe(

    handlers.forEach(({ message, callback }) => {
      const source$ = fromEvent(client, message).pipe(
        mergeMap((payload: any) => {
          const { data, ack } = this.mapPayload(payload);
          return transform(callback(data, ack)).pipe(
            filter((response: any) => !isNil(response)),
            map((response: any) => [response, ack]),
      source$.subscribe(([response, ack]) => {
        if (response.event) {
          return client.emit(response.event,;
        isFunction(ack) && ack(response);

  public mapPayload(payload: any): { data: any; ack?:  () => any } {
    if (!Array.isArray(payload)) {
      return { data: payload };
    const lastElement = payload[payload.length - 1];
    const isAck = isFunction(lastElement);
    if (isAck) {
      const size = payload.length - 1;
      return {
        data: size === 1 ? payload[0] : payload.slice(0, size),
        ack: lastElement,
    return { data: payload };

app.useWebSocketAdapter(new SocketIoAdapter(app, true));

I updated the adapter so it works now. Also changed the origins types to be on par with 3. Anyhow dont know about the cookie thing: I just removed the name and there is also a note about cookies in 3.0 here:

import { INestApplicationContext } from '@nestjs/common';
import { isFunction, isNil } from '@nestjs/common/utils/shared.utils';
import {
} from '@nestjs/websockets';
import { DISCONNECT_EVENT } from '@nestjs/websockets/constants';
import { fromEvent, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { filter, first, map, mergeMap, share, takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Server } from '';
import { CustomOrigin } from '@nestjs/common/interfaces/external/cors-options.interface';

// TODO: Using this until v3 is part of Nest.js, see:
export class SocketIoAdapter extends AbstractWsAdapter {
    appOrHttpServer?: INestApplicationContext | any,
    private corsOrigin?: boolean | string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[] | CustomOrigin,
  ) {

  public create(
    port: number,
    options?: any & { namespace?: string; server?: any },
  ): any {
    if (!options) {
      return this.createIOServer(port);
    const { namespace, server, ...opt } = options;
    return server && isFunction(server.of)
      ? server.of(namespace)
      : namespace
        ? this.createIOServer(port, opt).of(namespace)
        : this.createIOServer(port, opt);

  public createIOServer(port: number, options?: any): any {
    if (this.httpServer && port === 0) {
      const s = new Server(this.httpServer, {
        cors: {
          origin: this.corsOrigin,
          methods: ['GET', 'POST'],
          credentials: true,
        cookie: {
          httpOnly: true,
          path: '/',
        // Allow 1MB of data per request.
        maxHttpBufferSize: 1e6,

      return s;
    return new Server(port, options);

  public bindMessageHandlers(
    client: any,
    handlers: MessageMappingProperties[],
    transform: (data: any) => Observable<any>,
  ) {
    const disconnect$ = fromEvent(client, DISCONNECT_EVENT).pipe(

    handlers.forEach(({ message, callback }) => {
      const source$ = fromEvent(client, message).pipe(
        mergeMap((payload: any) => {
          const { data, ack } = this.mapPayload(payload);
          return transform(callback(data, ack)).pipe(
            filter((response: any) => !isNil(response)),
            map((response: any) => [response, ack]),
      source$.subscribe(([response, ack]) => {
        if (response.event) {
          return client.emit(response.event,;
        isFunction(ack) && ack(response);

  public mapPayload(payload: any): { data: any; ack?:  () => any } {
    if (!Array.isArray(payload)) {
      return { data: payload };
    const lastElement = payload[payload.length - 1];
    const isAck = isFunction(lastElement);
    if (isAck) {
      const size = payload.length - 1;
      return {
        data: size === 1 ? payload[0] : payload.slice(0, size),
        ack: lastElement,
    return { data: payload };

app.useWebSocketAdapter(new SocketIoAdapter(app, true));

Somehow it still does the reconnect on my side..

Any news?

@JulianMiranda your problem might have to do with CORS, the correct url/path in client, or you dont actually use v3 on client or server. But this isnt a support thread.

I would also be very interested for any news on this being implemented in nest.js :)

The problem is definitely the v2/v3 incompatibility. V3 has some great new features that we need to take advantage of.

maybe a @nestjs/platform-ws3 ?

Would it be possible to add this information to the docs? It took me half a day to figure this out, since there is no error message at all, just a constant connection - disconnection loop on the server side.

I agree with both of you, should be documented or something, took me also couple of hours. Searched for everything else but the this...

Maybe having no error message should also be reported itself

Would it be possible to add this information to the docs?

@steinroe absolutely! Would you like to make a Pull Request? Just a quick mention that currently Socket.IO v3 is not yet supported.

The problem occurs after adding to nestjs and then using npm i socketio-client in the frontend.

Does the client add version information to the socket object? Or is there any value that is not on client v2 so we can detect in the adapter that the client uses v3 and show an error in Nestjs?

Any updates on this?

Any updates on this?

When there is an update on this, the Pull Request will be linked. Until then, assume this is a Work In Progress. Creating unnecessary noise is just distracting.

Any updates on this?

When there is an update on this, the Pull Request will be linked. Until then, assume this is a Work In Progress. Creating unnecessary noise is just distracting.

Sorry for that.

For those that need 3 support now, here is a adapter from the official nestjs sources adjusted for version 3.0.


import { INestApplicationContext } from '@nestjs/common';
import { isFunction, isNil } from '@nestjs/common/utils/shared.utils';
import {
} from '@nestjs/websockets';
import { DISCONNECT_EVENT } from '@nestjs/websockets/constants';
import { fromEvent, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { filter, first, map, mergeMap, share, takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Server } from '';

export class SocketIoAdapter extends AbstractWsAdapter {
    appOrHttpServer?: INestApplicationContext | any,
    private readonly corsOrigins = [],
  ) {

  public create(
    port: number,
    options?: any & { namespace?: string; server?: any },
  ): any {
    if (!options) {
      return this.createIOServer(port);
    const { namespace, server, ...opt } = options;
    return server && isFunction(server.of)
      ? server.of(namespace)
      : namespace
      ? this.createIOServer(port, opt).of(namespace)
      : this.createIOServer(port, opt);

  public createIOServer(port: number, options?: any): any {
    if (this.httpServer && port === 0) {
      const s = new Server(this.httpServer, {
        cors: {
          origin: this.corsOrigins,
          methods: ['GET', 'POST'],
          credentials: true,
        cookie: {
          name: 'io',
          httpOnly: true,
          path: '/',
        // Allow 1MB of data per request.
        maxHttpBufferSize: 1e6,

      return s;
    return new Server(port, options);

  public bindMessageHandlers(
    client: any,
    handlers: MessageMappingProperties[],
    transform: (data: any) => Observable<any>,
  ) {
    const disconnect$ = fromEvent(client, DISCONNECT_EVENT).pipe(

    handlers.forEach(({ message, callback }) => {
      const source$ = fromEvent(client, message).pipe(
        mergeMap((payload: any) => {
          const { data, ack } = this.mapPayload(payload);
          return transform(callback(data, ack)).pipe(
            filter((response: any) => !isNil(response)),
            map((response: any) => [response, ack]),
      source$.subscribe(([response, ack]) => {
        if (response.event) {
          return client.emit(response.event,;
        isFunction(ack) && ack(response);

  public mapPayload(payload: any): { data: any; ack?: Function } {
    if (!Array.isArray(payload)) {
      return { data: payload };
    const lastElement = payload[payload.length - 1];
    const isAck = isFunction(lastElement);
    if (isAck) {
      const size = payload.length - 1;
      return {
        data: size === 1 ? payload[0] : payload.slice(0, size),
        ack: lastElement,
    return { data: payload };


async function bootstrap() {
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
  // ...
  app.useWebSocketAdapter(new SocketIoAdapter(app, corsOrigins));

An error occurred with 'Server' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here.


An error occurred with 'Server' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here.

npm i
should help

For me, I have this error on socket-io.adapter.js:39:

const s = new socket_io_1.Server(this.httpServer, {
TypeError: socket_io_1.Server is not a constructor

Any idea?

We'll update @nestjs/ to use 3.0 in the next major release (v8) which is coming very shortly.