neptune-ai / neptune-client

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DOCS: Incorrect example in model registry docs

d13g0 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

Incorrect example in the documentation:

import neptune

model = neptune.init_model(
    model="CLS-PRE",  # Your model ID here


Run the code example

Expected behavior

it creates a model


  File "<ipython-input-3-82f99b284b2f>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Model.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'model'


The output of pip list:

neptune                   1.4.1
neptune-notebooks         0.9.3
neptune-pytorch           1.0.1

The operating system you're using:
The output of python --version:
Python 3.10.12

Additional context

Just trying to test the new model registry ?

Hello @d13g0 ,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is indeed incorrect in the docs, and we will get this fixed.

Meanwhile, you can use the below syntax to create a new model:

model = neptune.init_model(
    key="CLS",  # Your model key here

Here's the API reference for init_model():

Hey @d13g0 !,

We've corrected the docs:

Thanks again for reporting this 🤗

Thank you ! Btw, Ioving the updates in the website and the docs subdomain. Looking sharp! 🚀