neoxic / php-amf3

PHP AMF3 extension

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PHP Warning: Undefined symbol: executor_globals_id

MVLacsap opened this issue · comments

Trying to include the extension on Centos 7, PHP 7.0.7 running as FPM (Non Thread Safe) gives the following error on startup.

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library /usr/local/php70/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20151012/ undefined symbol: executor_globals_id in Unknown on line 0.

Here's the catch. Web server maintenance is outsourced so i have very little information. Fingers crossed.

Please take a look at this:

It looks similar and postulates that the "thread-safety" (ZTS) feature for the extension and the PHP version should match.

Please try to compile the extension with ZTS disabled and see what happens.

Thanks Arseny,

Came to the same conclusion, this is not PHP-AMF3 related.