neon-jungle / wagtailpolls

A plugin for adding polling capabilities to the wagtail CMS.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vote requires auth

frague59 opened this issue · comments

I'm not logged-in my wagtail application.

The poll us dispalyed (on my home page), and I'm trying to vote on a poll.

The form post returns a log-in form (with 401 I think).

Is it a way to avoid this ? I'ld like to allow voting to un-authenticated users.

Thanks !

Hi Francis,

You'll need to import from import vote and include url(r'^vote/(?P<poll_pk>.*)/$', vote, name='wagtailpolls_vote') in your The latest release (0.3.0) forces you to do this.