neogenix / daikon

ElasticSearch CLI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

'node status' fails with Name or service not known

kalemeow opened this issue · comments

[root@kale-testbox ~]# daikon node list
SUCCESS: Fetching Node List :

     Node: eLDk7SiKTfG425N21SPV0g
     Node: r71N-indT0SkZ1yFHWmhng
     Node: UKBJWxSLR8m6u1vR98T3_g
     Node: tb2Ve4dHTyCHC-RJ5c2t9g
     Node: lLDlsSmwQXWsiGJKWWOUwA
     Node: 8TvL_m--TrOW8JHjjcq2sQ

[root@kale-testbox ~]# daikon node status eLDk7SiKTfG425N21SPV0g --extended
ERROR: Fetching Node Status : "eLDk7SiKTfG425N21SPV0g" - <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>

I believe this is failing because node id is not recognized for node name. I can probably hack some stuff in that translates node_id to node_hostname.