neoclide / coc-vimtex

vimtex integration for coc.nvim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Go to Declaration on project files not working

andregpss opened this issue · comments

When i type gd or gD mapping key to find the definition of a reference located on an other project file, the following error message comes:

[coc.nvim] Definition provider not found for current document

All the other features are working (compiling, completion, pdf viewing, TocToogle...). Goto file gf is also working.

I am working on an multi-file project using subfile package.

There is no error on Coc log, either on Vimtex log.

I am using NeoVim 0.4.3, coc 0.0.74 on Windows 10.

TEX Example (sec:background declared on other file)

\section{Related Work}\label{sec:related}
As we mentioned before in Section \ref{sec:background}, ....

No such support use language server for tex instead.

I am using ctags now for solving this issue. I am also using gutentags to generate the tags.
Finally, i mapped the following command:

nmap <leader>d :exec "tag ".expand("<cword>")<CR>

I also added to vimrc file:

let g:gutentags_project_root = ['main.tex']