neoclide / coc-rls

Rust language server support for coc.nvim

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Updates to Cargo.toml not recognized

JoshMcguigan opened this issue · comments

Thanks for your work on coc!

As of rust-lang/rls#1246 rls supports cargo rebuilds, but this does not work in coc-rls.

To re-create this issue, create a new project, use a dependency in, wait for the error about the dependency being unrecognized, update Cargo.toml, see that the error doesn't go away.

Perhaps the issue is that when a language client instance is created we don't create a selector for toml files?

Tagging rust-lang/vscode-rust#364 as perhaps the resolution is the same, although that issue seems to have been opened before rls supported this functionality.

Playing a bit with Rust and found coc-rls. Ran into this while just working through the guessing game tutorial in the book after adding my first dependency. I'm not clear on if this project is being maintained and I don't have experience writing coc extensions or this comment would be accompanied by a PR, so I am sorry for resurrecting a very old issue in advance.

Just a quick update: as a workaround, it's possible to run :CocCommand rls.restart when Cargo.toml changes, to avoid needing to relaunch the editor.

Last update: by reviewing the changes that were made to vscode-rust, I discovered they'd moved to rust-analyzer, which can be installed by :CocInstall coc-rust-analyzer. Works great.