neoclide / coc-r-lsp

R LSP Client for coc.nvim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Help in completion setup

statquant opened this issue · comments

Hello first many thanks for this plugin, it "just works" in vim as opposed to so many other I've tried.
I have question about the setup of completion

As I type completion for parameters

Say I want to type fread(file = "stuff")
When I type fre I directly get the suggestion of fread, then when I reach fread( I get the info of fread while I really would like to see the parameters

I get this

I wish I could get this:

Is it possible to get this behaviour (note that it's not bad because I get parameters by pressing fread(<tab> ?

Chaining parameters completion

This is more annoying, say I want fread(file = "stuff", n = 1), when I reach fread(file = "stuff" I can only get the completion using <tab> again after a comma ie: fread(file = "stuff",<tab>) I cannot get it with , (<comma><space>) (it is considered best practice to have spaces after comma) ie: fread(file = "stuff", <tab>) (notice the space)

See an example

Completion of column names in data.frame and data.table

I did not succeed in getting column name completions for data.frame after $ or for data.tables after DT[, .(
Is it possible

Many thanks and regards
Is it possible to get this behaviour, the only way I get completion after , is to press <c-x><c-o>

The completion and signature trigger characters are comes from language server.