neoclide / coc-pairs

Basic auto pairs extension of coc.nvim

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Duplicate right brace when type `{}` actually give me `{}}`

linrongbin16 opened this issue · comments


In MacOS, install the newest macvim/python3/node with homebrew. Then install coc.nvim and coc-pairs.

minimum vimrc

Use vim-plug as plugin manager.

Here's .vimrc:

source ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}
call plug#end()

Just install :CocInstall coc-pairs.


When I type {}, coc-pairs give me one more duplicate {}}.
When I type [], coc-pairs give me one more duplicate []].

When I type "", coc-pairs give me just "".
When I type '', coc-pairs give me just ''.
When I type (), coc-pairs give me just ().

Expect Behaviour

When I type {}, coc-pairs give me just {}.
When I type [], coc-pairs give me just [].

Can't reproduce.

Let's close it for now, maybe discuss it later.

Tested with latest master coc, can't reproduce.

If write fast, will duplicate (linux, both coc branches)

@chemzqm only vim 8.2 patch 1-814, nvim OK

@fagcinsk Yes, when type fast, it duplicate. when type slow, it will not duplicate.

Can't reproduce on my vim8

I'm also seeing this.