neoclide / coc-pairs

Basic auto pairs extension of coc.nvim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Incorrect behaviour on JS template literals

mulholo opened this issue · comments

coc-pairs does not recognise JS template literals and fails to add a missing backtick (`) when one is immediately typed next to a function name without a space.

e.g. When the following is typed, no '`' is added after 'css`'

import { css } from 'styled-components';

const myMixin = css`
// should add another ` above


I think you need to be very careful about giving such blunt, uninformative and rude comments on people's contributions. Above is what I consider to be a genuine bug report and I hoped that this issue would be a step towards a useful improvement for COC users.

Responses like this make me very reluctant to carry on using COC and are extremely off-putting to any potential contributors.