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llegal struct size: Expected struct to be 3 fields but got 1

aniketfuryrocks opened this issue · comments

use anyhow::bail;
use neo4rs::Graph;

use crate::{NEO4J_PASS, NEO4J_URL, NEO4J_USER};

pub struct AppState {
    pub graph: Graph,

impl AppState {
    pub async fn new() -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
        let this = match Graph::new(NEO4J_URL, NEO4J_USER, NEO4J_PASS).await {
            Ok(graph) => Self { graph },
            Err(err) => {
                return bail!("Error creating graph instance in app state {err:?}");

        let mut result = this
            .execute(neo4rs::query("MATCH (p:Person {name: $name}) RETURN p").param("name", "Mark"))
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: UnexpectedMessage("unexpected response for RUN: Ok(FailureMessage(Failure { metadata: BoltMap { value: {BoltString { value: \"code\" }: String(BoltString { value: \"Neo.ClientError.Request.InvalidFormat\" }), BoltString { value: \"message\" }: String(BoltString { value: \"Illegal struct size: Expected struct to be 3 fields but got 1\" })} } }))")', src\api\
docker run --name global_graph_neo -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 -e "NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/password" neo4j

OS: windows 11

Hi @aniketfuryrocks, which Neo4j version are you using? Based on the docker command, I would guess the latest one, so some Neo4j 5.x. This driver is not yet compatible with the 5.x series, see #24.

Thanks for the response. We'll switch back to 4.4.

Although this only results in an error, I think the signature of the Run struct is wrong irregardless. B1 is a struct with 1 field, but run has 3. Changing this at least runs the tests without problems on 4.4 and 5 (see #64).

Closing this issue since we merged #64