neo4j-graphql / neo4j-graphql-java

Neo4j Labs Project: Pure JVM translation for GraphQL queries and mutations to Neo4j's Cypher

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Filter issue when using the same Operator on the same Field twice

michael-forman opened this issue · comments



I've an issue with a filter when I do an OR and use the same Operator and field name twice.

query {  
  person(filter: { AND: [ { name_starts_with: "Aaron" }, 
    { OR: [ { name_ends_with: "a" }, { name_ends_with: "s" } ] } ] }) { 

the generated cypher only creates a parameter for one of the names_ends_with

DEBUG [2020-08-24 10:24:24,396] ...: Executing Cypher query [MATCH (person:Person) WHERE (( STARTS WITH $filterPersonName_SW) AND ((( ENDS WITH $filterPersonName_EW) OR ( ENDS WITH $filterPersonName_EW))))
RETURN person { .name, .uuid } AS person]
DEBUG [2020-08-24 10:24:24,396] ...: With Cypher parameters [{filterPersonName_EW=s, filterPersonName_SW=Aaron}]

When I use the same graphql and schema with the js version:

20:23:22 api | 2020-08-24T10:23:22.515Z neo4j-graphql-js MATCH (`person`:`Person`) WHERE (ALL(_AND IN $filter.AND WHERE (_AND.name_starts_with IS NULL OR `person`.name STARTS WITH _AND.name_starts_with) AND (_AND.OR IS NULL OR ANY(_OR IN _AND.OR WHERE (_OR.name_ends_with IS NULL OR `person`.name ENDS WITH _OR.name_ends_with))))) RETURN `person` { .name , .uuid } AS `person`
20:23:22 api | 2020-08-24T10:23:22.516Z neo4j-graphql-js {
20:23:22 api |   "offset": 0,
20:23:22 api |   "first": -1,
20:23:22 api |   "filter": {
20:23:22 api |     "AND": [
20:23:22 api |       {
20:23:22 api |         "name_starts_with": "Aaron"
20:23:22 api |       },
20:23:22 api |       {
20:23:22 api |         "OR": [
20:23:22 api |           {
20:23:22 api |             "name_ends_with": "a"
20:23:22 api |           },
20:23:22 api |           {
20:23:22 api |             "name_ends_with": "s"
20:23:22 api |           }
20:23:22 api |         ]
20:23:22 api |       }
20:23:22 api |     ]
20:23:22 api |   }
20:23:22 api | }




I noticed that if I parameterise the values in my query it works:

query {  
  person(filter: { AND:[ { name_starts_with: $sw }
      { name_ends_with: $ew1 },
      { name_ends_with: $ew2 } ]} ] } ) {   

with variables


gives me the expected results.