nemiro-net / nemiro.oauth

Nemiro.OAuth is a class library for authorization via OAuth protocol in .NET Framework

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Close the session and disposing the resources

VladimirDeveloper opened this issue · comments

Hello! Say, I want to login to my site use external service, for example Mail.Ru
The simplest case is supposed the following steps:

  • Register Mail.Ru client by using OAuthManager.RegisterClient(new MailRuClient(...))
  • Receive authorization url by using OAuthWeb.GetAuthorizationUrl("Mail.Ru", ...)
  • Verifying the authorization by using OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization();

If all is Ok, user will be logged on to the system. If not, the login page of external service will reject the user.


  1. User want to logout and then login to the site under new credentials using the same external service
    How to correctly sign-out the user from site? How to close the session, related to external service in scenario above?

  2. Common question: I can't find any close() or dispose() methods in library. Is it required to do some special disposing of the resources, related to Nemiro.OAuth?

Thank you


When your user login in the there will be a Token written in user settings.
So from my side in that case you can erase that token and call again login form, User can Login with other credentials.
I have written my own dispose - close function.

Thank you for ideas.
It's not pretty clear where namely I have to erase the Token. The Token comes after verification in AuthorizationResult. But for the login, the client (as also other Nemiro.OAuth.Clients) uses the authorizeUrl parameter inside of the constructor of class. If you look into the code of clients, there is no any values like Token is used there, as for example part of authorizeUrl.
So, from my point of view, if external service doesn't provide any API to clear/reset Token, the sign out could not be done programmatically. This means user have to follow to and click manually on logoff OR user have to clear cookies of in browser

You said, you write own dispose - close function. What this function do? Please, could you show the code?


Well when you are connecting to there will be in user settings written the token. This have to be erased. Project->Properties->Settings.
If you clean the token a click refresh or call again the Login method the user can login again.

Perhaps we are talk about different things.
Here is the code of ASP.NET MVC project
Where inside of code I have to erase Token?

// ===================================
// Code of Global.asax.cs
// ===================================
protected void Application_Start()
   OAuthManager.RegisterClient(new MailRuClient(AppID, SecretCode));

// ===================================
// Code of view Index.cshtml
// ===================================
    ViewBag.Title = "Index";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

<a href="#" 
   onclick="window.location.href='@Url.Action("MailRuLogin", "Home")';return false;">
   Login use Mail.Ru

// ===================================
// Code of controller
// ===================================
public class HomeController : Controller
   // Handle the authorization
   public ActionResult MailRuLoginResult()
   	var result = OAuthWeb.VerifyAuthorization();
	if (result.IsSuccessfully)
		// User authorized successfully, return his token
		// result.AccessToken is readonly, so we can't erase it...

        	return new ContentResult { 
			Content = "User token " + result.AccessToken, 
			ContentType = "text/plain" 

	return new ContentResult
                Content = "Error: " + result.ErrorInfo.Message,
                ContentType = "text/plain"
   // Redirect user to MailRU login page
   public ActionResult MailRuLogin()
	string authUrl = 

        // After redirection the user will see login page of Mail.Ru, if he not authorized
	return Redirect(authUrl); 

This cannot be done programmatically from the server side. In most cases, the user himself must perform logout from the provider site, through the interface of the provider site.

Mail.Ru has endpoint to logout:

But the client's return is possible only to *

Try using JavaScript:

Thank you for answer!

Alexey, another question.
I saw examples of using your library on different sites. I tried to find some public close() or dispose() methods in library, but it seems such no exists. Is it required to perform some special disposing of the resources, related to Nemiro.OAuth and if yes, in which cases?

That is unnecessary.

Thank you very much for your great job and quick answers!