nemerle / dcc

This is a heavily updated version of the old DOS executable decompiler DCC

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Create dcc crash finder script (rb/py/sh?)

nemerle opened this issue · comments

If dcc crashes on any function during decompilation it's hard to locate the offending function, and even harder to debug the whole state of decompiled executable.

create a script that given a FILENAME will:

  • run dcc -a1 FILENAME
  • extract all functions from produced FILENAME.a1
  • extract function offsets from their names proc_001234_1 -> 0x1234
  • for each function runs dcc -E FUNCTION_OFFSET FILENAME
  • reports dcc crashes in a FILENAME_CRASHES.txt containing a full command-line to reproduce the crash

It will be better to add more output for VeryVerbose mode. For example, printing IP.

Well, the list of functions has to be built beforehand and dumping the names of all functions from DccProject object can work. Te script will need to be written though