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Error Installing ZSH

awalvie opened this issue · comments

The following is the error that I get while trying to install only the zsh folder

/home/awalvie/.oh-my-zsh/ no such file or directory: /home/awalvie/.oh-my-zsh/themes/powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme

I tried this on a Fresh Manjaro KDE setup and i've tried to debug what the problem might be but to no avail.

This is what the termial looks like with the broken ZSH


I ran make install after removing all the folders except zsh.

@awalvie you are just missing some fonts from on your terminal. Personally, I use Hack font.

The missing file your ZSH is accusing can be ignored because you already have the theme installed through zplug. Anyway, you can remove the warning doing the following:

git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel9k

I will create a better solution soon.

Thank you for such a quick reply. I installed Hack Nerd Font and it worked like a charm.

No problem 👍