nelhage / llama

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[Documentation, possibly for the main README] llama versus distcc

rubyFeedback opened this issue · comments

I noticed your comment, linked in via reddit recently.

You mentioned distcc. I think this is where many users may have the question
what sets llama apart from distcc; or conversely, why use llama rather than
distcc. In particular when it comes to inertia to change, they may prefer to
stick to distcc even if it is inferior, simply because they know it better (or
for some other reasons). It would be nice if the main README, or some
other document, could mention differences and use cases. Does not have
to be long, a medium paragraph should easily suffice.

PS: And the name is also peculiar, could explain the name "llama". Though
that could perhaps go into a FAQ or wiki.

Likewise, a comparison to gg would be helpful; it looks less polished, but it doesn't seem "not widely accessible at present"?