negrel / debuggo

:small_red_triangle: Debugging package that leverage the power of conditional compilation.

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Debugging packages that leverage the power of conditional compilation.

Debuggo made of the following packages:

Why ?

Recently, I was looking at the source code of flutter to have a deeper understanding of what's going on inside. This is where I discovered the assert function of dart, assert is used everywhere in flutter, every single class use it at least once.

Definition of assert from :

During development, use an assert statement — assert(condition, optionalMessage); — to disrupt normal execution if a boolean condition is false.

In production code, assertions are ignored, and the arguments to assert aren’t evaluated.

This function is pretty basic, but it allows developers to make assertions in classes methods without adding overhead to production binary. Take a look at this part of the definition :

In production code, assertions are ignored, and the arguments to assert aren’t evaluated.

Assertions are removed for the production, thereby, we can write development code without increasing the size or slowing down our production binaries.

This is exactly what we tried to reproduce in pkg/assert:

The assert package

The assert package is a modified version of the excellent testify/assert package. Thus, you can use assert functions outside tests.


  • Prints friendly, easy to read failure descriptions
  • Allows for very readable code
  • Optionally annotate each assertion with a message

Take a look at examples/assert/main.go. By default, assertions are disable.

# Let's run the example
$ go run .
In one hour the temperature will be -1 °C

# The program didn't panic because assertions were disabled
# Let's run the exampe with assertions enabled now.
$ go run -tags assert .
%s      Error Trace:    proc.go:204
        Error:          Expected nil, but got: &errors.errorString{s:"unable to get the weather forecast"}
        Messages:       []

goroutine 1 [running]:, 0x52, 0xc00014bf38, 0x1, 0x1, 0xc000018360)
        /home/negrel/code/golang/src/ +0x2a7, 0xc000012d90, 0xc00014bf38, 0x1, 0x1, 0x5e9260)
        /home/negrel/code/golang/src/ +0xdb
        /home/negrel/code/golang/src/ +0xda
exit status 2

Okay, assertions are great for debugging but logging can also be useful.

The log package

This package is a wrapper around the log package of the standard lib. There are 7 log levels, and you can choose one of the following using a build tag:

  • Panic
  • Fatal
  • Error
  • Warn
  • Info
  • Debug
  • Trace

Each log level have 4 method, for example the info level have the following:

  • Info("my message")
  • Infoln("my message")
  • Infof("My message is %v:", "hello world")
  • Infofn(myfunction)

Take a look at examples/log/main.go. By default, logs are disable.

# Let's run the example
$ go run .

# Nothing happend, let's try using the `info` build tag.
$ go run -tags info .
2020/10/24 10:19:59 [INFO] - Info log
2020/10/24 10:19:59 [WARN] - Warning log
2020/10/24 10:19:59 [ERROR] - Error log
2020/10/24 10:19:59 [FATAL] - Fatal log
exit status 1

Analysing binaries

If you have taken a look at the generated code in pkg/* you must have notice that many functions are empty. Thus, we may ask ourselves if there is an overhead to use Debuggo packages ?

Disassemble binaries

To answer this question, we should take a look at the produced binaries:

# Go to an example
$ cd examples/log/

# Let's build the example with the `info` build tag
$ go build -tags info .

# Let's disassemble the file.
$ objdump log -d > log_info.asm

# Number of line
$ wc -l log_info.asm
182342 log_info.asm

# Let's build the example without any build tag
$ go build .

# Let's disassemble the file.
$ objdump log -d > log.asm

# Number of line
$ wc -l log.asm
149495 log.asm

There is a difference of 32847 lines between the two disassembled files. This show us that the produced binaries are different but that's not enough to prove that all call to log have been removed.

Static Single Assignment (SSA)

In order to get a better understanding of the produced binaries we're going to analyse generated SSA:

# So, we're still in the examples/log directory
# Let's generate the SSA with the `info` build tag 
$ GOSSAFUNC=main go build -tags info .

# An ssa.html file have been generated
$ mv ssa.html ssa_info.html

# Let's generate the SSA without any build tag 
$ GOSSAFUNC=main go build .

Now tht we have two HTML files containing the compilation phases of our example, let's analyse them.

Let's start with ssa.html:
Since we only care about the result, we should analyse the last phase (genssa):

# /home/negrel/code/golang/src/
00000 (7) TEXT "".main(SB), ABIInternal
00001 (7) FUNCDATA $0, gclocals·33cdeccccebe80329f1fdbee7f5874cb(SB)
00002 (7) FUNCDATA $1, gclocals·33cdeccccebe80329f1fdbee7f5874cb(SB)
00003 (+15) RET
00004 (?) END

This is the expected result since without any build flag, the main function is empty.

Let's compare with the ssa_info.html:

# /home/negrel/code/golang/src/
00000 (7) TEXT "".main(SB), ABIInternal
00014 (10) PCDATA $1, $0
00015 (10) CALL
00016 (+11) XORPS X0, X0
00026 (11) CALL
00037 (12) CALL
00048 (13) CALL
# /home/negrel/code/golang/src/
00055 (+24) MOVQ, AX
00065 (+24) RET
00066 (?) END

This result also match our expectations since we have call to log functions. You may have notice that only call to the available functions at the info level are present.


If you want to contribute to Debuggo to add a feature or improve the code contact me at, open an issue or make a pull request.

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📜 License

MIT © Alexandre Negrel


:small_red_triangle: Debugging package that leverage the power of conditional compilation.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%