neewy / DBLP_Web

Publication Management System

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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  1. To run the application on your own webserver, these prerequisites should be met:
  • constant internet connection (for CDN's like jQuery)
  • Apache or nginx HTTP-server installed
  • PHP with version not less than 5.5 installed
  • PostgreSQL pgsql extension (that is bundled with PHP standart package) should be installed (just delete semicolumn in php.ini line -> extension=php_pgsql.dll)

NB: it is highly recommended to use OpenServer package, available for Windows environment. You can edit its php.ini file this way: right-click the tray icon, then choose "additional" -> "configuration" -> "PHP-5.5"

2. Create the database for users with provided dump.sql. It is recommended to use dbname "web", user "postgres" and password "postgres" for testing purposes. 3. Populate publication database with DBLP parser, that was made by our team -> NB: Use console JAR file, it is awesome! 4. After setting up the environment, edit the (for publications database) and (for accounts database) according to your PostgreSQL connection credentials.


You can test it online at Enjoy!


Publication Management System


Language:JavaScript 61.2%Language:CSS 23.5%Language:PHP 15.2%Language:HTML 0.0%