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The box-sizing mixin

benschwarz opened this issue · comments

I just wanted to point out that if you were using compass, you could use the experimental mixin for your vendor prefixed mixins.

So instead of:

@mixin box-sizing ($box) {
  -webkit-box-sizing: $box;
  -moz-box-sizing: $box;
  box-sizing: $box;

You could do

@include experimental(box-sizing, $box);

I know you're not currently using compass, but I think theres some rationale to use a similar helper mixin.

I haven't got any plans to use Compass. But why would you need to use experimental() rather than just box-sizing()? The Compass docs seem to suggest that the later would do the job of including vendor prefixes.

Erm. Yes, indeed—you could also use the actual box-sizing feature.
I guess my (badly stated) point was that relying on something thats often updated rather than your own mixins might be a consideration.