ndmitchell / hlint

Haskell source code suggestions

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"ignore: {}" interacts a bit strangely with custom hints

langston-barrett opened this issue · comments

On this module:

module Main where
main :: IO ()
main = undefined undefined

with this config:

- ignore: {}
- error:
    name: "Only use one undefined"
    lhs: "undefined undefined"
    rhs: "undefined"

HLint 2.2.2 gives no hints. However, if I add this line:

- error: {name: "Only use one undefined"}

then HLint raises the appropriate error. Without the ignore: {}, you don't need the second error: (and you don't have to name your hint).

This isn't a show-stopper, but is a bit unexpected.

Agreed, this is unexpected. The error is defining a hint, but that is considered separate to the configuration. I'd accept a patch fixing this, but it's probably not trivial.