ncjoes / office-converter

PHP Wrapper for LibreOffice

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Only Fail convert images and XLS, DOCS WORK (Convertion Failure! Contact Server Admin.)

LiThaM opened this issue · comments

Hi people,

I am getting this error when I select an image or excel, the rest works like DOCS.
I attach the code that I use.

exception: "NcJoes\\OfficeConverter\\OfficeConverterException"
file: "/Users/alejandrocastronantes/Documents/Trabajo/gestor-documental/vendor/ncjoes/office-converter/src/OfficeConverter/OfficeConverter.php"
line: 54
message: "Convertion Failure! Contact Server Admin."


 use NcJoes\OfficeConverter\OfficeConverter;
  function convertToPdf($pathDocument, $newNameDocument)
         $newNameFile = str_replace(' ', '_', $newNameDocument);
         $converter = new OfficeConverter($pathDocument);
       return $newNameFile;

Any one help Me?

You need to install libreoffice on its sever

Nice tip, need apt-get install libreoffice