ncb000gt / node-es

NodeJS module for ElasticSearch.

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Scrolling search results

tommazzo opened this issue · comments


Is there any way to scroll search results ( or

I was able to get a scroll_id by using the following options when performing a search:

var options = {
    _index: "myindex",
    search_type: "scan",
    scroll: "10m"

This gives me a scroll_id in the data returned by the search, but I have not found any way to use it to actually retrieve the results. How can I do this?

Thank you for your help in advance!

Best regards,

Thanks for this issue report! There is now a method named scroll in the core module... to use it, check out this snippet:

  elasticsearch = require('es'),
  config = {
    _index : 'kittehs'
  es = elasticsearch(config);

// first search, specifying scan search_type{
    search_type : 'scan',
    scroll : '10m'
  }, {
    query : {
      match_all : {}
  }, function (err, data) {
    // next, perform the scroll with the _scroll_id value returned
    es.scroll({ scroll : '10m' }, data['_scroll_id'], function (err, data) {
      // now we have the results of the scroll...

That's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!

@brozeph I was just playing with scroll in putting together and I was thinking it would be cool to create a little wrapper method on es that returns a readable stream, i.e.:

scrollResult = es.scroll();
scrollResult.on('data', function(chunk) {
  // each chunk is a scroll result
scrollResult.on('end', function () {
  // all done

Anyway, just an idea to chew on.